Fuel Oil Tank Chart - How to Stick your fuel oil tank to determine an approximate amount of gallons that are in it. You Don't Need an LTE Tank Monitor
To measure your heating oil tank, you will need a fuel oil tank stick which will coincide with this chart. You can purchase a fuel oil tank stick at most Hardware or Plumbing Supply Companies. They typically cost less than $20.
Heating Oil Tank Types and Procedures
Buried oil tank: (underground) - Insert the tank stick into the fill pipe where the delivery driver fills your oil tank. After it touches the bottom, remove it slowly and record the number of inches on the stick, then compare it to the heating oil chart.
Basement oil tank: Remove one of the 2" plugs on top of the tank. Insert the tank stick into the opening to it touches the bottom. remove it slowly and record the number of inches on the stick, then compare it to the fuel oil tank chart. If you have a short ceiling in your basment, you will need to purchase a folding tank stick as it will be easier to maneuver into the top of the tank.
Outdoor Above Ground Oil Tank: Insert the tank stick into the fill pipe where the delivery driver fills your oil tank. After it touches the bottom, remove it slowly and record the number of inches on the stick, then compare it to the oil tank chart.
Click the image below for
a full size chart

To measure the amount of fuel oil in under ground or above ground outdoor oil tank:
Remove your oil fill cap and insert the stick into the tank until it reaches the bottom.
Remove the stick and take note of the amount of oil in inches that is showing on the stick.
Compare the number of inches on your stick with your fuel oil tank size on the chart to determine an estimated amount of gallons.
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